Acting Lessons

Celia Andrews trained as a teacher of Drama, Dance, and Singing at Guildford School of Acting and has Licentiateships in Teaching and in Acting and an Associateship of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance. . For over forty years she has taught, directed, coached, instructed, and adjudicated people of all ages.

Whether teaching children or adults, she believes the core principles remain the same: a strong foundation in technique is the most important skill an actor can possess. She thus works with the individual to first develop their core skills:

Relaxation - Relaxation is a vital skill for a performer. Relaxation in this sense is defined as the absence of tension, which is important, as tension can lead to straining of vocal chords, potentially leading to a shaky and strained voice, or even long-term damage. A state of relaxation allows you to calm nerves and creates a neutral canvas onto which you can project your characterisation.

Posture and Movement - Ensuring correct spinal alignment helps to release any tension you might be holding, which links back to the benefits of relaxation. It also reduces fatigue as standing correctly reduces stress and wear on the muscles and ligaments and allows you to move more efficiently. The way you move and hold yourself is integral to the way that you are perceived by others; an audience will read meaning in the way you move, and as a performer you must ensure that the meaning they perceive from you is congruent with your intended performance. Celia will work with you to develop your physical vocabulary and control, so that you can embody a variety of characters.

Breathing - Breath control is the foundation of all vocal work. Celia will teach you intercostal diaphragmatic breathing, which, with practice, will increase your breath capacity and control - a vital skill for a performer.

Vocal Quality and Projection - Celia can provide you with the tools to improve your vocal quality and tone, as well as the ability to project your voice in a way that is suitable for the space.

Articulation - Articulation involves the production of clear and distinct sounds in speech. Whilst correct articulation varies according to the accent of the speaker, Celia focuses on ensuring that you are capable of producing the sounds expected of a Standard English accent ( Received Pronunciation), even if you then make the choice to perform in your own accent.

Modulation - Modulation is the ability to vary the strength, tone, and pitch of your voice in order to convey meaning. It is a vital skill for a performer, as well as being an important skill for life. Celia will work with you to ensure that you can paint a picture with your voice.

With these skills cemented, you can then work to develop your believability and characterisation, in both scripted and improvised performance. Celia specialises in training actors to understand and work with Shakespearian text, Improvisation, Devised Performance, and Mime.

She also provides interview coaching and audition preparation, such as preparing students for Drama School Auditions.