Speech Classes

Celia Andrews can offer vocal coaching and elocution lessons to both children and adults, either on a one-to-one basis, or in addition to other classes. Whether you've had a diagnosis of a speech impediment, or you simply want your voice to be the very best it can be, Celia can help. Classes will be tailored to your individual needs and Celia will work at a pace that suits you.

She can provide relaxation and stress release exercises ranging from guided meditation to progressive muscle relaxation, with the aim of removing tension in the body, including any tension in the neck or vocal chords which may be negatively impacting your vocal quality and control, as well as increasing the potential for damage to occur to your vocal folds. In addition, she will work with you to improve your breath control and capacity so that your voice is supported, avoiding tinny, breathless sounds and ensuring a steady supply of air to sustain your voice.

She can work with you to identify any issues you have with your articulation and will provide you with speech exercises that will enable you to articulate clearly, without any unintended distortion of sounds. She will also work to improve your modulation, which is your ability to vary the strength, pitch, and pace of your voice in order to convey meaning, so that you develop as a dynamic and interesting speaker. She can also help you to improve your overall vocal quality or tone, focusing on creating a rich, resonant sound.

If you think you would benefit from voice work, please contact Celia to discuss further.